Electrical Engineer

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Danger Donut

Melty brain combat robot

The Danger Donut is a 150 gram melty brain combat robot. To maximise its moment of inerta and weapon power, the entire robot spins, electronics included! The Danger Donut can drift around while spinning at over 2500 RPM. By implementing a Kalmen filter using data from an accelerometer and IR receiver, the Danger Donut can maintain a consistant heading even at top speeds.

E-Paper Watch

Smart with e-paper display

Pretty much all smart waches available to purchase use LCD or OLED display technology. By using an E-paper display instead, this watch can have a much longer battery life. This is due to the physical properties of E-paper displays which allow them to remain active even with no power. This E-paper watch uses Bluetooth to communicate with a paired smart phone to update time, weather, and other information.

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